Quantum Mind Re-Coding
Get rid of self-sabotage by re-coding your subconscious mind
Stop working on symptoms with typical self-help. Go to the source with our unique science-based methodology.
Watch this 5 minute video: why re-coding will change your life! ➝
Enjoy stellar Health
Get rid of chronic pain, overweight issues and other health blocks.
Unlock your Wealth Potential
Remove subconscious blocks "protecting" you from making money
Live your best Relationships
Eradicate unconscious sabotage and triggers for great love and friendships.
If you are not getting the results you have been working so hard for, chances are your subconscious mind is working against you
Your subconscious runs your life 95% of the time and it is 1 million times more powerful than your conscious mind. If your subconscious is not on board with your conscious wishes, it is like trying to pull a bullet train in the opposite direction using a bicycle.
Even with strong will and hard work, you have no chances of winning. The only way is to get your subconscious aligned with your conscious mind to make it work for you rather than against you. Then, you become unstoppable!
Watch the free 1h deep dive webinar to learn why recoding will change your life (below).

Subsconscious Mind Re-Coding Quest!
The power is already in your sub-conscious mind – learn how to unlock it directly from the author of the international bestseller Escape Your Matrix: How To Master The Game Of Life!
Learn More"Anna Berger is the coach you always wanted,
someone who has been there at the cutting edge of business and entrepreneurship as a strategic leader, someone who’s awakened to their own resilience and strength of character, someone who sees possibility in every scenario, and someone who cares deeply about helping you to become what you’re capable of becoming. Anna can transform a company, and, more importantly, she will transform your life."
Karlin Sloan
CEO, Sloan Group International

Why Should You Re-Code?
Want to go deeper? Learn about your subconscious mind and the foundations of mind re-coding in a free and exclusive 1 hour webinar with Anna Berger, CEO of Quantum Mind Academy.
Watch the Free WebinarLatest Media
Meet Anna Berger
Bestselling author and mind re-coding specialist
Quantum Mind Academy CEO, Anna Berger, has been a business and life coach for over a decade. After building a quarter-billion-dollar empire in real estate and realizing that money can’t buy you happiness, she embarked on a self-discovery journey of the psychology of human fulfillment.
With a passion for quantum physics, hypnosis and neuro-linguistics, she is a leading transformative coach who specializes in conscious communication and Subconscious Mind Recoding™
Through the programs in Quantum Mind Academy, she teaches people all over the world how to release themselves from the matrix of the coded mind and to use the power of the subconscious to excel in life.
Her humor and ability to distill the complexities of psychology and quantum physics into a simple, user-friendly process – which is free of academic jargon and ‘unnecessary fluff’ – makes this training ideal for anyone to pick up, implement its strategies, and obtain substantial results!

Be ready for a total identity shift: you get to choose who you become by deleting the error codes in your subconscious allowing you to use its incredible power to work for you in every part of your life: health, love, wealth, brilliant friendships, adventure, and creativity.
See how powerful you can become when your own subconscious works for you!